The South Carolina Law Review was called the Year Book of the Selden Society from 1937 to 1948. At the time, it was published by the USC School of Law’s student chapter of the Selden Society, which remains a learned society and publisher focused on English legal history.
As far as the University of South Carolina law librarians are aware, South Carolina’s Year Book of the Selden Society has never been digitized and is not searchable in any online database such as Westlaw, Lexis, or HeinOnline.
Now Online

Thanks to the digitization work of law librarians Lillian Bates and Michael Mounter, the Year Book of the Selden Society is now freely available online.
The searchable PDFs are available as a special collection within the USC School of Law’s Scholar Commons site: scholarcommons.sc.edu/law.
Articles and Comments
The scholarly articles in the Year Book remain of interest today. For example, Validity of Parking Meter Ordinances by Felix B. Greene, Jr., appears in the January 1940 issue.

Overall, the Year Book‘s commentary on South Carolina legislation and case law of the years 1937 to 1948 may be unparalleled.
Historical Notes
Dr. Mounter notes that the Year Book collection includes interesting historical material about the USC School of Law and the legal profession in South Carolina.
Read a history of the School of Law as well as memorial biographies of SC Bar members and USC Law professors in the Legal History and Biography sections in Volumes 1-3 of the Year Book.
Discover what was going on at the School of Law in the Editorial Section of Volumes 3-9 of the Year Book.

Advertisements Included
The digitized pages of the Year Book even include the original advertisements. Some of the products are no longer used by today’s lawyers. Others, such as Shepard’s Citations and the West Key Number System, have been updated for the digital age and are still very much in use today.

Ask A Librarian
If you would like a consultation on the Year Book of the Selden Society collection, or other special collections, or Shepard’s, or Key Numbers, your law librarians are eager to hear from you. Ask a Librarian.