This Banned Books Week, we recognize the librarians and other participants in democracy who are taking a stand for readers’ rights.
PEN America Report
PEN America has published a report tracking school book bans, based on state and school district, subject matter, type of material, title, and author. Students in school have the right to freedom of speech under the first amendment, Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969), and this right extends to the availability of books in the school library, even when school board members disagree with the content of those books. Bd. of Educ., Island Trees Union Free Sch. Dist. No. 26 v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853 (1982).
Bans occurred in 138 school districts in 32 states.
Defamation Lawsuit
One librarian—president of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians—sued detractors for defamation and harassment. A journalist has made the petition for injunctive relief available, which enumerates the accusations of the librarian’s detractors.
Book Display
Like many libraries across the country, the UofSC Law Library has created a display to raise awareness of book banning.