Duncan Alford publishes article
Law library director Duncan Alford has published an article:
The Operation of Supervisory Colleges in EU Banking Supervision: A Case Study of Soft Law Becoming Hard Law, 54 International Lawyer 83 (2021).
A draft of the paper is available on SSRN.

Andy Kretschmar presents at conference
Access services librarian Andy Kretschmar appeared on the program twice at the 2021 Symposium of the New England Law Library Consortium (NELLCO).
He led the Access Services Interest Group discussion. He also presented “Past Life Experience: How lessons learned in our pre-law library pasts can help us in our COVID-now” along with Richard Buckingham of Suffolk University, Jocelyn Kennedy and Caroline Walters of Harvard Law School, Misty Peltz-Steel of UMass Law School, and Danitta Wong of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP.
Eve Ross presents at conference
Reference librarian Eve Ross presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the South Eastern chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (SEAALL).
“Rumbling with Vulnerability: Round Robin Exercises based on BrenĂ© Brown’s Dare to Lead” was a joint presentation by Professor Ross along with Cas Laskowski of Duke University School of Law and Janeen Williams of Texas Tech University School of Law.